Yesterday, Ceee unveiled her latest single titled "Nile," a highly-anticipated collaboration with A Pass that had been teased for some time. Produced by Timothy...
Fresh from his impressive AFRIMMA nominations, where he emerged as the most nominated artist from Uganda, Joshua Baraka is making waves once again with...
The ‘Nkwatako’ crooner has today unveiled her Record Label, Karma Music Uganda.
Sheebah Karungi announced the launch of her record label earlier today under the...
The 2023 African Muzik Magazine Awards (AFRIMMA) nominees were announced on Monday night, and Uganda was well represented. Joshua Baraka's "NANA (Remix)" feat. Joeboy,...
Damalie is a homegrown, captivating, and groundbreaking drama series.
The series replaces Urban Life on Pearl Magic Prime channels for DStv (148) and GOtv (303)...