Reach A Hand Uganda & DKT Women Care Commemorate Women’s Day With Introduction Of ‘Levoplant’ A New Family Planning Method.


Reach A Hand, Uganda (RAHU) in partnership with DKT Women Care yesterday connected with young people in Kasanga, to celebrate women’s day under the theme “Breaking The Bias”.

The campaign launch as hosted by Harmony Kyomugisha Muhwezi was held in Kampala at the International University of East Africa. [IUEA] Kansanga, and has brought together stakeholders from the maternal and reproductive health space in Uganda, the Ministry of Health, DKT affiliate service providers, satisfied users, the campaign influencers, and the media. The campaign is running under the hashtag #LoveMyLevo.

Harmony Kyomugisha Muhwezi (Picture: Event, Media)

While speaking at the event, Ruth Van Zorge; the First Secretary Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) & Gender for The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands made an opening address on the ‘Importance of increasing access to SRH commodities and services through the private sector channels.’

Ruth Van Zorge (Picture: Event, Media)

“By improving product availability, the private sector can contribute to more inexpensive pricing, which will encourage consumers to use contraceptives. This essentially means that all stakeholders have a significant role to play in ensuring that contraceptives are readily available in order to accomplish sustainable development goals.”, she remarked.

Dr. Moses Okello – DKT Programs Manager moderated a Panel Discussion themed ‘Together we can break the Bias on Family Planning’. The panel featured Manuela Mulondo (Mother & Business Woman), Hon. Phiona Nyamutoro (MP), Gutabingi Doreen (Peer Educator) and Dr. Moses Muwonge (Samasha).

The Love My Levo campaign influencers were also unveiled by Reach A Hand Uganda CEO and Team Lead, Humphrey Nabimanya.

The campaign is currently being run and managed by Reach A Hand Uganda. It has prominent and enterprising women influencers advocating for access to reversible family planning methods with the emphasis being on the Levo Implant, and these influencers include: Fatuma Hasha, Mrs. Stacey Bainomugisha, Manuela Mulondo, Harmony Kyomugisha, Prima Kadarshi, and Martha Mukisa shared messages of empowerment during the power talks session to the women, and young girls in attendance, in line with entrepreneurship, child spacing, SRHR, and leadership.

Levo Influencers (Picture: Event, Media)

You could wonder, what exactly is a Levoplant?

Levoplant is a World Health Organization [WHO] pre-qualified implant that prevents pregnancy for 3 years. It is a reversible, long-acting, effective, and safe contraceptive implant. It is inserted subdermally under a woman’s upper arm. Levoplant is a product of DKT Women Care. DKT Uganda has over time run an enterprise-based program to expand modern contraceptive access, respond to these challenges, and increase choice for women of reproductive age in Uganda.

The DKT Women Care Uganda country Manager AntonioTurcott appreciated the continued support from its partners as they launch this brand new product. He also added that as an organization, they hope to see more ladies living a better world and that inequalities need to be addressed; and that the #LoveMyLevo campaign aims to raise awareness about gender inequality and inspire dignity.

AntonioTurcott (Picture: Event, Media)

Having worked on adolescent and youth sexual reproductive health and rights matters in Uganda for 10 years, Reach A Hand Uganda (RAHU), has positioned itself through different strategies, programs, and partnerships.  Just a few days after premiering season 2 of its edutainment-centric Kyaddala, It’s Real, they are now working with DKT to empower young people to make informed choices about their bodies. To learn more about the Levoplant, click here.

The launch event was preceded by a paint and sip session by Bella Art, free face beat sessions, condom distribution, meals, and later performances from Naava Grey, Karole Kasita, among others.

Mugibson Mugisha
Mugibson Mugisha
Mugibson Patrick Mugisha is a dynamic Ugandan blogger, journalist, and digital content creator with a focus on entertainment, lifestyle, and pop culture. Inspired by Ryan Secarest, Mugibson has carved a niche for himself by spotlighting the vibrant Ugandan and African entertainment industry. Through his platform, he shares in-depth stories, celebrity news, music reviews, and societal trends, gaining recognition for his fresh perspective and engaging storytelling. Mugibson's blog is a committed to empowering the digital media landscape in Uganda, spotlighting emerging content creators, and showcasing African stories, entertainment and offerings to a global audience through the power of online platforms.

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