The Second season of the "Be A Millionaire" Competition has been launched. (Picture: Vent Media)

Following a successful inaugural season, Nile Breweries and Enterprise Uganda announced the return of the ‘Be A Million’ contest for a second season.

Read Also: Nile Breweries and Enterprise Uganda launch ‘Be A Millionaire’ contest to fund SME Business Ideas

The countrywide entrepreneurial exploit which seeks to empower Small scale and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) saw over 57 of these be rewarded Ugx. 100,000,000 worth of cash; as a way of helping these youth-led businesses cope with the economic ravages of the COVID-19-related challenges by either starting new small-scale enterprises or re-opening the stalled ones.

Nile Breweries has once again joined hands with Enterprise Uganda and are ready to receive and vet business proposals from youth ages 18 to 35 across Uganda on how they can use Ugx. 1,000,000 to create a sustainable business.

Onapito Ekomoloit, the Legal and Corporate Affairs Director at Nile Breweries during the launch of season two of the competition re-echoed that the initiative is aimed at boosting businesses amidst these trying times and part of our sustainability agenda. We seek to inspire and empower young entrepreneurs to grow their businesses and create employment.

He also revealed that this season is themed “The Last Man Standing” and it is back with a couple of twists in a game show format while maintaining the core objective of supporting businesses both financially and knowledge-wise.

Nile Breweries & Enterprise Uganda To Unearth Entrepreneurial Potential With Return Of Season 2 Of The ‘Be A Millionaire’ Contest. 1 MUGIBSON
Onapito Ekomoloit (Picture: Event, Media)

Adding to his voice, Flora Aduk the Public Relations Manager of Nile Breweries encouraged everyone who is passionate about entrepreneurship to take advantage of this opportunity and participate in the contest as they’ll not only be able to learn from the competition but also grow their businesses.

Nile Breweries & Enterprise Uganda To Unearth Entrepreneurial Potential With Return Of Season 2 Of The ‘Be A Millionaire’ Contest. 2 MUGIBSON
Flora Aduk (Picture: Event Media)

Charles Ocici, the Executive Director of Enterprise Uganda reinforced that the “Be A Millionaire” campaign is an excellent opportunity for the youth in Uganda to unearth their entrepreneurship potential.

“Because it takes more than finances to run a business, to sustain it, an entrepreneur must be knowledgeable about different aspects of operations among others, thus the need for mentorship and training and at Enterprise Uganda we believe in resources beyond money, and that’s the person. We, therefore, come in to facilitate the entrepreneurs on the best business practices; for we believe that with the right mindset training, the power of entrepreneurship is stimulated.”, concluded Charles Ocici.

Nile Breweries & Enterprise Uganda To Unearth Entrepreneurial Potential With Return Of Season 2 Of The ‘Be A Millionaire’ Contest. 3 MUGIBSON
Charles Ocici. (Picture: Event, Media)

“Be A Millionaire” will traverse all the five regions of Uganda (East, West, North, Central and South Western) regions with a grand finale that will be air on NBS TV and a weekly (Saturday) broadcast on Capital FM at 3PM.


To submit your plan, send your well-written business plan, as per guidelines (accessible here) and upload this on the Nile Breweries website portal. As a requirement, the business must already have its products or services on the market.


Up to UGX 100,000,000 is up for grabs.


All entries are welcome and close on the 15th of August, 2022.